01/24/25 – American Road Magazine
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USC Aiken Women’s & Men’s Basketball Games

USC Aiken Convocation Center 2049 Champion Way, Graniteville, SC 29829 , Graniteville

Attend USC Aiken Women’s & Men’s Basketball Games at the USC Aiken Convocation Center. So, come and cheer on the Pacers.

The Daffodil Drive & Festival March 16 & 17, 2019

Long Tom Grange 25855 Ferguson Rd , Junction City

Daffodils are popping up throughout wine country at the The Daffodil Drive & Festival. Cruise the country roads around Junction City, Oregon to see the bright blossoms. Park your vehicle[…]

The Jahab Shrine Club Sporting Clays Shoot

Broxton Bridge Plantation 1685 Broxton Brg Rd. Ehrhardt, SC 29081 , Ehrhardt

The fifth annual Jahab Shrine Club Sporting Clays Shoot benefits the Jahab Shrine Club. Moreover, Jahab Shrine Club and Broxton Bridge Plantation have partnered together. Most importantly, for Shoot for[…]

Aiken Trials

Aiken Training Track 538 Two Notch Rd, Aiken

The Aiken Trials has become a time-honored tradition as the first leg of Aiken's Triple Crown events. While, held annually for three consecutive Saturdays in March. The Trials begun in 1942[…]

St. Patrick’s Day Celebration

Rose Hill in Aiken 221 Greenville St NW, Aiken, SC 29801 , Aiken

Come for a fun evening filled with Irish food (& Guinness) at Annual St. Patrick's Day Celebration. Restaurant opens at 5 p.m. Also, enjoy live music with Gavin Winship &[…]

Aiken’s Bacon and Brews

Downtown Aiken Newberry St. Aiken SC, 29801 , Aiken

It's official! By popular demand Aiken's Bacon and Brews and Tokyo Joe is back. Moreover, on Saint Patrick's day weekend in Aiken, SC.