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American Road Triptalk (Podcast)-Tonia Buell, The Green Highway

Foster Braun



American Road TripTalk (Podcast)-Tonia Buell The Green Highway

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Sticker shock at the pump in 2011 and the fact that this year's Car of the Year at the Detroit International Auto Show was the electric powered Chevrolet Volt seem to indicate that Americans are beginning to take electric cars seriously. Nissan and Ford have joined GM in producing electric vehicles but the biggest limitation seems to be: How far can you go on the batteries?

The State of Washington is tackling this issue head on with their participation in the West Coast Green Highway that will one day stretch from Vancouver, Canada to Baja California. Washington is building a series of rapid recharging stations that will release the electric cars from the urban grid and let them breath the air of wide open spaces. My guest, Tonia Buell, Program Developer and Communications Manager for the Washington State Dept. of Transportation, explains the scope of this great green highway and the schedule for implementation in 2011.


American Road TripTalk (Podcast)-Tonia Buell The Green Highway

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Chautauqua County New York. Come to Chautauqua in June and get ready for summer with a new hobby or skill during Chautauqua in June, a celebration of vacation and lifelong learning, June 3-23, 2011. The three-week festival is packed with more than 50 workshops held in indoor and outdoor settings throughout Chautauqua County, New York - The World's Learning Center.

Feel free to comment, criticize and correct our podcasts because we are always looking to make them better. In particular, if you know of anyone who might make a good subject for these podcasts, please let me know in the comments section. See you soon on the great American Road.



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